The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF)

Fewer topics impact Canada’s social fabric more than beer. The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) was representing Mr. Gérard Comeau in front of Canada’s Supreme court for bringing beer from Quebec to New Brunswick. The CCF was challenging outdated interprovincial trade barriers that posed a threat to the modern Canadian economy. We developed an integrated campaign using banner ads and direct mail to let potential donors know about this issue and how they can support the CCF with their donations.


When you win an award, you tell someone. When you win three, you tell everyone. LawyerDoneDeal was leading the field in technology for the legal community with cutting edge solutions and a private cloud. Allowing lawyers to work efficiently and safely with their clients, banks, insurance companies and other critical partners. We let the legal community know about the awards using social media, trade advertising and outbound emails.


Drought, crop failure, civil wars and a refugee crisis mean millions were starving in Africa. ADRA was on the ground distributing food, water, cooking supplies and personal hygiene items. ADRA needed to get the word out to quickly that every gift would be matched dollar for dollar. We developed the #MillionsStarving campaign with a direct mail letter, a short video, social media posts, a Facebook fundraiser, handouts, and digital ads that reached new and existing donors via retargeting and specially chosen websites. We also doubled our efforts; the entire campaign went from concept to completion in one week.

P.S. Want to see more samples? Email us and we will knock your socks off.